RILA Presents Retail Industry Priorities To CPSC
- 05/23/2019
Earlier this month, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) held its annual budget priorities hearing where interested stakeholders are invited to testify before the Commissioner on how the agency should budget and allocate its resources for the upcoming fiscal year.
RILA's Director of Regulatory Affairs & Compliance Autumn Moore testified and reiterated RILA members' strong support for the CPSC's safety mission and commitment to protecting consumers and ensuring that all products sold to U.S. consumers meet or exceed all applicable safety requirements and standards. Moore also outlined key three priorities for the retail industry:
- Improving the Agency's use of data collection and data analytic technologies to enable the Commission to expand the Retailer Reporting Program, a voluntary program where retailers submit product safety information which is reviewed and analyzed by the CPSC to determine product safety trends and identify new emerging safety hazards.
- Updating internal CPSC procedures and policies to ensure that the Agency does not have repeat incidents of unlawful releases of confidential information.
- Enhancing the CPSC's understanding of technology-based consumer products and any potential safety hazards associated with their use.
The CPSC commissioners were appreciative of RILA's testimony and acknowledged the Agency's longstanding positive partnership with RILA and its members on consumer product safety issues.
RILA's full written testimony to the CPSC can be read here. For more information about RILA's consumer product offerings, please contact Autumn Moore.