NLRB Chair Sows Discord, Disruption for Workers & Businesses

RILA Opposes Renomination of Chair McFerran

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) sent the following letter to all Senators this week opposing the renomination of Lauren McFerran as Chair of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). 

The letter notes:

“As retailers continue to focus on building a 21st century retail workforce that is diverse, innovative, and skilled it is imperative for Congress and the agencies, including the NLRB, to reimagine outdated labor laws to foster innovation, enhance communication between employers and employees, and promote employee rights. Chair McFerran has done the exact opposite.

“Under her leadership the actions of the NLRB have created an unlevel playing field filled with procedural landmines that undermine historical commonsense policies for the workplace that work for employees and employers.

“She has allowed increasingly aggressive, untenable, and at times unlawful positions on many significant issues that have only increased uncertainty in the workplace and litigation in the courts, making retail business operations more difficult for workers and the communities they serve.

“Leading retailers strive to make their employees and customers feel safe and secure, but Chair McFerran and the Board’s crusade to empower union rights over all other considerations (including the law) will create more discord, and disruption to workers, businesses, and customers.”

The full opposition letter can be read here.



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