SCOTUS Upholds Public Safety Laws That Help Communities

Deborah White, Retail Litigation Center President and General Counsel for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling that will allow municipalities to tailor laws to their communities to address the complex issue of public encampments:
“The Supreme Court rightly recognized that the causes and responses to homelessness are complex but that the Eighth Amendment does not grant ‘federal judges primary responsibility for assessing those causes and devising those responses.’ Retailers appreciate the Supreme Court’s action allowing policymakers to access all ‘tools in the policy toolbox’ and remain committed to working collaboratively to improve the vibrancy of communities across the country.” 
Retailers are on the front lines of many community issues, including the health and safety effects of public encampments. The Retail Litigation Center (RLC) and Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in this case that explained how communities can work together to address public health and safety issues related to the complex problem of homelessness. One example shared in the RLC/RILA brief is RILA’s Vibrant Communities Initiative a first-of-its-kind national partnership between the Retail Industry Leaders Association and the National District Attorneys Association to address safety concerns of employees and consumers. 


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  • Retail Litigation Center

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