Retail Talent Council


The Retail Talent Council (RTC) formerly known as the Human Resources Leaders Council is comprised of the top human resources executives at leading retailers who oversee all things related to retail employment and have the responsibility to develop strategic visions for their workforce. The RTC focuses on long term trends and vision of the retail workforce and provides thought leadership, research and strategic guidance to help retailers craft the 21st century retail workforce that is dynamic, innovative and skilled.

The retail industry is subject to a wide range of federal, state and local statutory and regulatory requirements affecting all aspects of the retail workforce, including wage and hour, health and safety, and labor relations. In addition, the retail industry is competing with new disruptors like Uber in the battle for top talent ranging from data scientists to associates. Leading retailers are increasingly focusing on workforce related issues and the challenges associated with planning effectively for the 21st Century Retail Workforce. 

In addition to providing thought leadership and guidance for advocacy efforts around retail talent, the RTC provides an opportunity for members to benchmark at an executive level on a host of strategic issues. The Council's activities include in-person meetings, benchmarking surveys, focused benchmarking calls, research opportunities and educational webinars. 

RILA members have full access to past meeting presentations, reports and benchmarking results which can be found below.  

For more information on RILA's Retail Talent Council, contact Evan Armstrong, vice president, workforce policy at

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