Retailers, DAs Partner to Train Prosecutors on ORC

New Course: How to Fight Against Organized Retail Crime

Today the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), National District Attorneys Association (NDAA), and Learn it Media announced the launch of an online course that enhances prosecutors’ efforts to combat organized retail crime (ORC). The first-of-its-kind course helps prosecutors build stronger cases in collaboration with retailers and law enforcement.

“For too long, criminals have considered retail theft to be a ‘low risk, high reward’ crime. A key to flipping the script on that narrative is to arm front line prosecutors with the evidence they need to secure convictions against prolific and violent ORC gangs. This course is designed to do just that, teaching prosecutors about the inner workings of ORC gangs, the criminal scams in which they engage, and the evidence trail they leave behind. This course should be made available in DAs’ offices across the country who see ORC for what it is – a dangerous and costly scourge impacting communities,” said RILA Senior EVP of Retail Operations Lisa LaBruno. 

ORC Crash Course for Prosecutors & DA Office Investigators is intended to help public sector partners better understand ORC and why it is a problem they should care about, with content including:

  • Defining ORC – what it is and what it isn’t
  • Identifying common players in ORC networks and their roles
  • Explaining the cost of ORC
  • Detailing how ORC scams work
  • Describing available evidence
  • Providing tips for effectively partnering with retailers 
  • Providing local, regional, and national resources  

The online course was developed with the support of the Loss Prevention Foundation and with help from the Coalition of Law Enforcement & Retail. It is available to prosecutors and DA office investigators at an introductory price of $25, with a limited number of free scholarships available.  

See the full course outline here. Prosecutors and DA Office investigators can claim their scholarship and access the course here.



  • Asset Protection
  • Keeping Communities Safe
  • Organized Retail Crime

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