Creating a Dynamic, Innovative and Skilled Workforce

Retailers serve communities comprised of individuals from many different ethnicities and backgrounds. RILA’s members strive to ensure their workforce reflects their communities and customers.

Leading retailers are leaning into issues that resonate with core business principle, consumers, and communities. Bridging together the teams and ideas of different operational communities, from human resources to asset protection to supply chain, retailers are identifying new opportunities to create innovative ways to increase collaboration bringing greater value to the retail workforce and consumers.

RILA is committed to ensuring all retailers have access to the tools, research, and benchmarking to improve policies around inclusion that will ultimately drive sales and prosperity. The Retail Culture & Community is focused on aligning corporate strategies with a welcoming and collaborative company culture to achieve the company's goals and vision

  • Investing in People
  • Retail Works for All of Us
  • Diversity
  • Ensuring a Safe, Sustainable Future

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